Monday, October 4, 2010

Wedding frenzy!!

We're getting down to the wire....

Only 2.5 weeks away until I will be a Mrs.

Major things left to do:
1) Order flowers
2) Get the marriage license
3) Final dress fitting
4) Bridal portraits
5) Get suits pressed
6) Get travel info from all those coming in from out of town
7) Get succulents for cake
8) Find a knife for the cake

oh me oh my this is all I can think of right now....

Something you covet

A miniature pony - why not? They're super cute. I would name mine Penny.

An ultra modern house with tons of windows, clean open spaces, and lots of trees. This pic is of the Cullen house in "Twilight".

A Landrover Discovery - so I can be high off the ground while driving. I recently had the opportunity to drive my friends Landrover. I felt as though I could run over anything and it would be ok. It was hard to return the car.

One thing I used to covet....
Thanks to Colby's parents I no longer have to stand in Costco and wonder what it would be like to own one of these bad boys. I now get to relax in front of my huge 3D ready flat screen TV. Wooooo life is good!

Newlywed Tip of the Week

Ok, so I'm not officially a newlywed yet, but I'm already discovering so many things about marriage. This week's lesson learned:

Always check the pockets of your partners pants before throwing them into the wash. Today I discovered one of my favorite work shirts has an ink stain on it b/c Colby had some pens in his pants pockets.

On that note, it's amazing what kinds of things you will find in said pockets! This week I found sharpies, bolts, unidentified tech plug, change, ear plugs, receipts, and beer caps.

Now, can anyone tell me how to get this ink stain out? Share your tips now!